Monday, August 29, 2016

Closed on Monday?? Why Monday is so important in the thrift store world.....

My favorite not-for-profit thrift store is closed on Mondays. For a good reason.

They are normally ran by a victim advocacy group. A place that helps people out of whatever situation life can sometimes deal them.
My particular one aids battered and abused women and children. I totally support that.
This thrift shoppe has only 1-2 paid employees. They have Sunday and Monday off. Days to rest before back in the grind.  A day to take care of their own business and rest their brain.

And then there is the volunteers. They are there for many reasons. To get out of the house. To support the cause. To belong somewhere. To make a difference.
A day off heads off burnout.

So the next time you are in a not-for-profit thrift store, give those volunteers a thank you. A thank you for donating your time.
I know they will appreciate it!

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